Pool Ionizer - Now Complete with Oxygen Too
How does a swimming pool ionizer work?
A. A safe low voltage DC current is applied to the copper electrodes. As the ions attempt to move from one electrode to the other, many of them become suspended in the water and distribute to the pool.
How do copper ionizers purify water?
A. Copper ions have the ability to pierce the protective outer membrane of a cell and disrupt enzyme balance thereby killing algae. Although lethal to bacteria and algae, pool ionizers are completely safe for humans. A multitude of scientific tests have been done proving the effectiveness of copper ionizer systems in pool and spa applications. Experimentation at the University of Arizona proves that such mineral ions, in conjunction with trace chlorine are 1,000 times more effective against algae than chlorine alone. Today, using a swimming pool ionizer is the most natural, safe way to treat your pool. You will be swimming in chemical free, non chlorine water.
Is pool ionization all that you need for your water?
A. Copper ionization completely purifies water and ECOsmarte oxygen takes care of body oils. The only thing you will need other then a pool ionizer is a PH leveler. Swimming pool ionization is simple and effective.
Are pool ionizers safe?
A. Not only are they safe, but the minerals used for pool water purification are recognized as essential minerals to the body. Normal concentration in pools and hot tubs is about 1/3 the amount allowed by the Environmental Protection Agency for drinking water.
How is a pool ionization safer than chemicals?
A. Most, if not all of the chemicals used to purify water are caustic and or toxic. Many of which are now thought to be Carcinogenic.
How is a swimming pool ionizer better than chemicals?
A. The need for high levels of chemicals is eliminated. Also eliminated are the strong chemical odors, damaging effects on hair, skin, fabrics, liners and pool equipment.
What are the operational costs of a copper pool ionizer?
A. In most cases, the electrodes will last three to five years and are relatively inexpensive to replace. The only other cost is the electrical consumption which is only a few dollars a year.